1Payday.Loans Agency

kswaret released! 2003-12-04
'kswaret' is a front-end for 'swaret', grab it at: http://kswaret.sourceforge.net/.


swaret translations. 2003-11-30
If you are a Brasilian User and practising the Portugese Language, you can grab the swaret.lang.PORTUGUES_BR Language File, copy it to /etc/swaret.lang and start using swaret.

swaret.lang.PORTUGUES has been updated, you can get it on the i18n page.

swaret 'BlazeBox' Repository URL Changed. 2003-11-30
If you are using the BlazeBox Repository, change it to:
REPOS_ROOT=BlazeBox%http://users.lichtsnel.nl/pub/slackware ;-)

swaret translations needed. 2003-11-29
Translations to be done:
- Arabic
- Bulgarian
- Brazilian Portugese
- Finnish
- Hungarian
- Indias
- Japanese
- Lithuanian
- Indonsian
- Polish
- Urdu
- Sindhi
- Slovakian
- Swedish
- Turkish

Finished translations:
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch
- English GB
- French
- German
- Italian
- Norwegian
- Portugese
- Russian.cp1251
- Russian.koi8r
- Spanish
- Spanish MX

The native swaret Language File (in English) for the translation can be found on the Internet.

www.PaydayLoansSalemOR.com - definitely visit this website if you need money urgently.

swaret 1.6.0-5 released. 2003-11-29
swaret 1.6.0 should be stablelized by now. You can grab it here. Enjoy!

Bug reports will be reviewed, and major bugs will require a buildfix.

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